Share price*

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*) On 06.08.2024 a share split of 1:3 has taken place.

Price Development of the Einhell Stock

The price of the Einhell stock exhibited significant fluctuations during the 2023 fiscal year. After an initial dip in January 2023, the stock recovered well by February 2023. Starting in August 2023, the Einhell stock significantly lost value, reaching its low point of 42.00 EUR at the end of October. In the last two months of the 2023 fiscal year, the Einhell stock recovered substantially, reaching a price of 56.00 EUR on December 31, 2023.

Share prices of the last 10 years*

Year 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
hight in EUR 11.98 12.33 13.30 29.36 35.00 26.53 33.83 73.67 75.67 59.80
low in EUR 8.70 8.83 10.02 12.83 18.07 15.70 13.27 32.13 38.00 42.00

*) All share prices are on the basis of the share with a nominal value of 1.00 Euro.